



“I can’t do better than _______”

Since moving up the Bay Area and embarking on an adventure of stepping out of my comfort zone in both love & career, I was stunned to discover the parallels of both in my life.

Looking back, there have been times where I stayed at a job or stayed in a relationship or kept working at a friendship for far longer than I should have… largely because of the statement in the beginning that continuously reverberated throughout my mind.

The truth?

You can…and if after taking a hard look at your soul… if that person or job or thing is sucking the life out of you… making you feel like shit… causing you to doubt yourself and the scales are unbalanced leaning further towards the negative than the positive… then guess what… it’s time for you to wake up and remind yourself of your worth.

We all were created to be loved, respected and meant to embark on a life adventure that makes us come alive for it is in this pursuit that we are then ushered into our destiny…

…but so often, we’re dragged down by fear, doubt and our own insecurities…and we stay within our comfort zone…we stay at that job…we stay in that relationship…we keep hanging out with those “friends”

..what’s worse is when you surround yourself with people who only further aggravate your own insecurities which only leave you feeling inadequate and filled with anxiety. You’re afraid to mess up because it seems like your boss/partner/friend is waiting for you to mess up so they can brashly point out your flaws for all to see…
It is when we as human beings feel absolutely loved and are surrounded by people who have cultivated a safe environment that we then find the courage to take risks and step out into the unknown…which many times, has a huge pay off.

After almost 5 years at EMC, I handed in my letter of resignation and shortly after, signed my acceptance letter to join the family at Salesforce in San Francisco.

Not going to lie…
I was scared…
…but in just the past year, I have been to San Francisco for acting projects more times than I’ve been since moving up to the Bay Area.

As I went through the interview process…

Not going to lie…
I was scared…
…but I was amazed at how quickly I went through each interview
…and for my final interview with my new boss, instead of pretending to be someone I wasn’t… I was transparent with him.  I shared with him my love for film and that I was an actor who frequently went out on auditions in the city
… and his response was one of support which dispelled any fears I had

It’s interesting how as human beings, there are several traits that we all collectively crave:
but isn’t it interesting how in the midst of the aforementioned that we naturally crave…if we sense that something isn’t right…and we boldly step out…we find ourselves in a situation that is BETTER than what we ever could have imagined?

If you find yourself unhappy about something…
Have faith…and step out into the unknown…

If you sense that something isn’t right…
Have faith…and step out into the unknown…

I don’t care what anyone says…God did not mean for us to stay in a situation that makes us miserable…and if someone is making you miserable, you should not feel like you need to be a martyr…you have options and you CAN do better… I promise you.

Last year, I knew that I had EMC, VMWare & Dell on board as sites for my film festival. that I’m joining Salesforce, I’m adding another company to the list of locations where my film festival will take place.
I’m curious to see how many more tech giants I can add to my list…

In life, people will either help you or not help you…
Invest in those who are always willing to help you and distance yourself from those who don’t because *reality check* these people are not your friends and keeping them in your life will only drain you…especially if you’re the type of person that is willing to take the shirt off your back for them if they were to ask.

Before the year started, I knew 2016 would be a year filled with change… but at only 3 months in, I can’t even begin to imagine what’s next…

*cheers* to embracing change & fearlessly stepping out into the unknown

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Oh, Jesus, you’re my God!

I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine