Manifesting Your Dreams

I got into filmmaking because I wanted to create acting opportunities for myself. My mental health went on a crazy roller coaster of a ride when I was living in Los Angeles being sent out to audition for “token Asian” roles or roles that only saw me as “Asian” – very rarely was I considered for the meaty roles that my non-Asian friends were being called in to read for. As a filmmaker and screenwriter, I was finally able to create the characters I was frequently overlooked for in Hollywood and tell the stories I wanted to tell; the stories of unrequited love (Dropping the S Bomb), relationship blunders (Backup Plan), relationship realizations (Right Person Wrong Time), devastating heartbreak with a toxic relationship (Letting Go) and learning to let go of toxic friendships (Chasing Birdie). As I was going through the film festival circuit with films that I created, I saw some incredible films and longed to connect with the filmmakers of those films BUT found it impossible to connect with people at these massively large events. However, one thing I noticed is that all of the filmmakers were connected to the film festival organizer.

THAT is why I started the Silicon Valley International Film Festival – FINALLY, I was not only able to merge the world that paid the bills and kept the lights on (have worked in tech for a little over 10 years now) but more importantly, I was able to get connected with the types of filmmakers that I have ALWAYS wanted to be connected with as an ACTOR.

I can’t believe I’ve already hosted The Silicon Valley International Film Festival for 6 years…going on SEVEN 🤯 Every year, I evolve and adapt to make the experience better for everyone and create value for both filmmakers pitching their next film project and for the tech professionals who may potentially invest.

At the end of every year before the ball drops and we usher into a new year, I ask myself: what do I want to accomplish for the New Year? I’ve been thinking a lot about my acting career (that had to take a major back seat when my kids came onto the scene) and what I wanted to accomplish for myself for this year. For those involved in the film world, you know that Sundance (one of the biggest and most prestigious film festivals in the world right now where films, directors and actors get discovered) is going on right now. Since it was the FIRST time that it has gone virtual, I bought myself a pass and was finally able to virtually attend…and…I.AM.INSPIRED

My goal for this year? To work and invest in a film project that goes to Sundance. How am I going to make that happen? Connect with the filmmakers of the films I LOVE at Sundance and invite them to the Silicon Valley International Film Festival in December.


Sometimes you can’t just wait at home praying that God delivers the groceries (that you didn’t even take the steps to order) to your house; you have to go out and GET THEM.

Create opportunities for yourself; plant seeds and keep planting seeds…because you never know which ones will grow…maybe they all will (Ecclesiastes 11:6).

*cheers* to manifesting your dreams and taking ACTION to make them a reality.

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